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We fully understand and appreciate the benefits that the UltraCane can bring to a visually impaired person - how they develop much more confidence from using their cane, how it gives them so much more independence and allows them to visit places that they would not normally have visited.  In short, how it changes their life.  But please don't just take our word for it!  Here are a few testimonials from existing UltraCane users:

"Five minutes was enough to assess how useful it would be to me so I bought one there and then."  Mr A Bilal

"The UltraCane is the last thing I pick up before I go out.  I lay it down when I come back.  I just wouldnt be without it." Mr R Gray

"I got used to using the UltraCane and felt strange when it wasn't there and I couldn't rely on the cues it provided.... By being able to literally feel the environment around me I was able to use more skills in travelling.  It leads to more freedom." Ms C Crespin

"When using the UltraCane, people thought I was faking being blind, because I would tell them where things were and go around them and navigate well in different places without a lot of help.  I amaze myself sometimes!"  Ms A Bradstreet.

"Independent travel using the UltraCane is a wonderful thing, it not only makes you more confident but simply adds joy and excitement to your travels - a true feeling of independence.  Mr G Murphy

"I noticed a kind of freedom harking back to a time when a sighted me could amble along with a friend." Mr P Jensen

"The speed I can go at is much improved with the UltraCane.  I get advance warning so I can move around whatever is there without needing to stop so I can keep my momentum!" Mr J McAfferty

"The developers have taken the time to ask blind people, and to involve them in trials.  I am convinced it is going to be a real benefit to the blind and partially sighted users."  Mr A Brooks.

"My clients have been pleased with the UltraCane's simplicity of operation and ease of use.  SInce everything is incorporated into a long cane, there is nothing additional needed.  There are no external wires, earphones, battery packs etc., just everything all in one. It offers excellent protection not only straight ahead, but from the cane hand upwards, which a simple long cane alone cannot do."  Mr Mike Corbett, Orientation and Mobility Specialist, USA

"The area I visited is highly congested.  There is much foot traffic, the footways are crowded and one needs to progress slowly even if fully sighted.  There are many obstacles beyond the usual tables and people standing and talking oblivious to passers-by.  I found the UltraCane to be most excellent in this situation.  It was constantly keeping me updated about people and obstacles."  Mr B Campbell


If you'd like to buy an UltraCane and revolutionise your mobility, go to our Online Shop.

Have you had a great experience with UltraCane? We'd love to hear about it - why not send us an email?